That bodies speak has been known for a long time*

Exhibition Publication

Sabine Breitwieser (ed.) for the Generali Foundation, Vienna 2004.
Foreword by Dietrich Karner, editorial by Sabine Breitwieser, texts by Sigrid Adorf, Giorgio Agamben, Anja Streiter, Hemma Schmutz, and Tanja Widmann.

Germ./Engl., 168 pag., 30 color and 45 b&w-illustrations, softcover

Taking its title from Deleuze, this exhibition and catalogue consider the body linguistically. In what sense do bodies produce language, how are they themselves grasped and defined by it, and what spaces for action are opened up by this understanding? With art by John Baldessari, Allan Kaprow, Mary Kelly, Francesca Woodman, and others. Gays Porn Female domination Flashbit porn